Frozen vegetables higher nutritional value than fresh vegetables
Source: Hangzhou Jmart Foods Co Ltd Date: 2011-10-19
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that the latest research shows that frozen vegetables higher nutritional value than fresh vegetables.
Sheffield Hallam University, UK Food Reform Research Center scientists say we should abandon the poor quality of frozen vegetables stereotypes. Many fruits and vegetables immediately after harvest if refrigerated, vitamins and minerals will not be much loss, and vegetables on the market have been many so-called placement days in the warehouse. Such as green beans for 7 days, the vitamin C reduced by 77%. The study also showed that after the frozen peas and fresh green beans after cooking, frozen peas contained higher β-carotene. Researchers Charlotte? Harty said: "We studied 37 products found between fresh and frozen food is not much nutritional difference, and fresh vegetables from the farm come to the table the average family has experienced a long time. "